研究筆記 - PLEN2




iPhone APP


FabCafe workshop

Top Level Architecture Diagram

Github structure

Robot architecture

Top Level Block Diagram

Firmware architecture


AccelerationGyroSensor : AccelerationGyroSensor management

ExternalEEPROM : external EEPROM management

Interpreter : MotionController interpreter

JointController : JointController.h

        pinMode(Pin::MULTIPLEXER_SELECT0(), OUTPUT);

        pinMode(Pin::MULTIPLEXER_SELECT1(), OUTPUT);

        pinMode(Pin::MULTIPLEXER_SELECT2(), OUTPUT);

        pinMode(Pin::PWM_OUT_00_07(),       OUTPUT);

        pinMode(Pin::PWM_OUT_08_15(),       OUTPUT);

        pinMode(Pin::PWM_OUT_16_23(),       OUTPUT);


                namespace Pin


                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT0() { return 5;  }

                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT1() { return 6;  }

                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT2() { return 12; }

                inline static const int PWM_OUT_00_07()       { return 11; }

                inline static const int PWM_OUT_08_15()       { return 10; }

                inline static const int PWM_OUT_16_23()       { return 9;  }

                inline static const int RS485_TXD()           { return 4;  }

                inline static const int LED_OUT()             { return 13; }

                inline static const int RANDOM_DEVCIE_IN()    { return 6;  }


                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT0() { return 5;  }

                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT1() { return 6;  }

                inline static const int MULTIPLEXER_SELECT2() { return 12; }



                TCCR1A =

                _BV(WGM11)  | _BV(WGM10)  | // 10bit高速PWM動作に設定

                _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1A0) | // 比較一致でOC1AをHIGHレベルに出力

                _BV(COM1B1) | _BV(COM1B0) | // 比較一致でOC1BをHIGHレベルに出力

                _BV(COM1C1) | _BV(COM1C0);  // 比較一致でOC1CをHIGHレベルに出力

        TCCR1B = 

                _BV(WGM12) |                // 10bit高速PWM動作に設定

                _BV(CS11)  | _BV(CS10);     // 前置分周64に設定

        TIFR1 = _BV(OCF1A) | _BV(OCF1B) | _BV(OCF1C) | _BV(TOV1); // 割り込みフラグをクリア



        Execution timing is when TCNT1 overflows.

In the case of PLEN2, and multiplying the periphery 64 minutes to 16 [MHz], and because it uses a counter 10bit,

(16,000,000 / (64 * 1024)) ^ - 1 * 1,000 = 4.096 it will be interrupted every [msec].

This value of 4.096 [msec] is, to the PWM signal permissible input interval of the servo motor

It is a sufficiently small value. Therefore, once every interruption 8 times for each servo motor

Enter the PWM signal, by switching the output destination of the servomotor for each interrupt,

We have realized the control of a plurality of servo motors.


Variable to be changed internally, it is safe to basically put a volatile qualifier.

By optimization of the compiler, you can prevent a confusing bug.

Since the output of the PWM signal is controlled by a double buffered by the AVR microcontroller,

The output value of the PWM signal you need to look ahead one than the referenced joint value.

Failure to this operation, since the plurality of servo motor control to an unintended behavior,

Please pay attention.





MotionController : MotionController

Pin.h : pin setup

Purser : parser?

PurserCombinator : command combine

Soul : top level motion ( ex: face down )

System : system parameter, (ex: version, baudrate )


研究 Motion Editor 控制 Controller 的架構

Study firmware

Study how EEPROM be used

Study control server

Study motion json file

        "codes": [],

        "frames": [


                        "outputs": [


                                        "device": "left_shoulder_pitch",

                                        "value": 0



                                        "device": "left_thigh_yaw",

                                        "value": 0



                          "transition_time_ms": 100


        "name": "Pass to Left",

        "slot": 26       


Q1 : How to use hardware PWM*3 + GPIO*3 control 24 serves?

Q2 : ASV-15 跟 SG-90 有何不同?

Q3 : 如何買?

A3 : ASV-15  ES08MDII