如何成為Open Hardware的 Maker( 香蕉派篇 )- 哈爸雜記
安裝殼 : PASS
閱讀 user manual , 開機登入,當一般 linux 使用
在 M1+ 用內核提供的方式點燈
M1+ 40 pin IO 定義
- pin detail definition by code
- 在內核點燈中 GPIO22, 在40 pin 中的 PIN 15 Match
run BPI-WiringPi2-Python/test.py
- 需確定 test.py 中, 這個能點燈,驗證 WiringPi2 工作正常
- wiringpi.wiringPiSetupGpio()
- wiringpi.pinMode(22,1)
- wiringpi.digitalWrite(22,0)
run gpio readall
- ./build OK, ./pintest can run, but show some faults detected. also show
- Oops - unable to deteremine board type .... model : 7
驗證 Glove shield : Quick PASS
- GlovePi
- I2C can be read by GlovePi shield - quick PASS
驗證 SPI
- WiringPi2Python
- serial = wiringpi2.serialOpen(’/dev/ttyS2’,115200) # Requires device/baud and returns an ID
- wiringpi2.serialPuts(serial,"hello")
- wiringpi2.serialClose(serial) # Pass in ID
- Code 可 run, 沒 error, 需check output
- 不知道為何要使用 ttyS2? UART可能在是 PIN8,10 GPIO 14,15
驗證 I2C : Quick PASS
- I2C 可能接在 PIN 27/28
- I2C RPI tool
- Tool installed. need to setup i2c BPI kernel module. How?
- 參考香蕉派 LCD
- vi /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf should be bpi-blacklist.conf
- Try similar code with Grove - LCD RGB Backlight datasheet
- import wiringpi2
- i2c = wiringpi2.I2C()
- dev = i2c.setup(0x20) ( not sure about what to pass into the setup function, but presumably a device address? )
- i2c.read(dev)
- 用 GrovePi + Grove-LCD RGB Backlight 可以讀到 i2c devices
- >i2cdetect -y 2
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
- 00: 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 60: -- -- 62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 70: 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- i2c address 0x62 confirmed for LCD, but should have 0x3e, not detected, why? 另外為何有 0x03, 0x70
- lcd.sh 目前測試 write fail, 改 i2cbus =2 , 也同樣失敗
- sudo i2cget -y 2 0x62 0 => 0x11 i2c read register PASS
- addr(0): 0x11
- addr(1):0x0544
- addr(2):0x00
- addr(3):0x00
- addr(4):0x00
- addr(5):0x00
- addr(6):0xff
- addr(7):0x00
- addr(8):0x00
- addr(9):0xe2
- addr(10):0xe4
- addr(11):0xe8
- addr(12):0xe0
setup ssh : PASS
- boot with sshd ready - OK
- fix eth interface with - OK (with boot ready)
- boot with internet ready by eth and fix ip - WIP
Remote X 或是遠端桌面 : WIP
- install xrdp
- sudo apt-get install xrdp
- apt-get install tightvncserver
- Host use VNC to connect bananapi, ex: readvnc, jollysfastvnc
Wifi 開機自動連上
Raspberry Pi超炫專案與完全實戰(深入Raspberry Pi的全面開發經典) : 快讀過
- 走一遍 Ch14 擴增實境影像辨識系統
- SimpleCV
- book Practical_Computer_Vision_with_SimpleCV_supplemental_files.zip
- Practical Computer Vision with Simplecv.pdf
- 羅技 C170 視訊攝影機
- install (luvcview)
- luvcview -s 320x240 : PASS
- SimpleCV installation
- sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-scipy python-numpy python-pip python-pygame
- sudo pip install https://github.com/ingenuitas/SimpleCV/zipball/master
- SimpleCV installation : PASS
- 範例錯誤
- Face Detect example : PASS